Many Catholic couples are struggling to find connection and intimacy.
They long for deep connection at every level: emotional, spiritual, and physical.
Our mission at Cana Feast is show Catholic couples that it doesn't have to be that way! We can help you rediscover the connection, joy and passion that first brought you together with faithful and practical guidance.
Based on the spirituality of St. Therese of Lisieux, this workshop teaches you the practical power of doing little things with great love.
9 skills for Mind, Body, and Sprit
For Catholic Women
Based on years of working with Catholic women in the area of physical intimacy with their husbands, Sarah offers 9 essential skills.
We loved each other madly on our wedding day, but we can honestly say that we love each other so much more now!
The promise of the Wedding at Cana can come true:
A 90-day program to more intimacy, joy and pleasure in sex. Women Only Program.
Our comprehensive program for couples to receive the Abundance of God's grace in their marriage.
40+ at-home date-night retreats to increase your connection and joy.
We've been happily married for 25+ years. We're best friends, lovers, adventurers, and homeschooling parent sof five on a mission to spread joy in marriage.
We didn't always feel peace, joy and connection in our own marriage. We've dealt with unemployment, post-partum depression, anxiety, burnout, frustration, and emotional roller coasters.
We've always loved an accepted the Church's teachings. But knowing those teachings isn't enough. We had to learn practical ways to live out those teachings in our everyday life!
We loved each other madly on our wedding day, but we can honestly say that we love each other so much more now!
We created Cana Feast to help you experience the abundant blessings that God has in store for your marriage!